Andres Tennus

A tour of the main building

A tour of the main building for those registered: guided by Ken Ird, Curator at the University of Tartu Museum.  
The tour of the main building takes you to the beautiful classicist assembly hall, the 19th-century lock-up and the art museum and, exclusively, to the senate hall and the council hall.  

Peahoone_Andres Tennus

Welcome speeches

2024. aasta orienteerumisrajal saab (taas)tutvuda ülikooli ühiselamutega

The 2024 orienteering course (re)introduces you to university dormitories

Tartu Ülikooli vilistlased 2019. aasta kokkutulekul, teklid peas.

Thousands of University of Tartu alumni gather for the get together on 18 May